
后TRIPS时期国际知识产权执法新动向 被引量:3

The Latest Trend of International IP Enforcement in the Post-Trips Era:A “Multi-pronged” Strategy to Implement TRIPS-Plus Enforcement Standards
摘要 后TRIPS时期,以美欧为主的发达国家在国际知识产权立法趋于完善的背景下,开始"步步紧逼"知识产权执法措施。美国和欧盟不仅强化其国内知识产权执法措施,而且通过自由贸易协定、投资协定和知识产权协定,在双边层面采取"各个击破"的策略,适用TRIPS-Plus知识产权执法标准。发达国家的目标是将此种更高的知识产权标准纳入到多边协定中,作为"全球知识产权棘轮效应"的一部分以约束第三方国家。除WTO和WIPO外,发达国家还在世界海关组织(WCO)、万国邮政联盟(UPU)、世界卫生组织(WHO)等多边场所推行更高知识产权执法标准。这种在单边、双边和多边"多管齐下"同步推行TRIPS-Plus知识产权执法标准的态势,对发展中国家构成了极大的挑战。 In the post-Trips era,developed countries,especially US and EU,begin to'press harder and harder'on IPR enforcement measures ever since the International IP legislation has been established very well.US and EU,not only strengthen their domestic IPR enforcement measures,but also take 'divide and conquer'strategy at the bilateral level through Free Trade Agreements,International Investment Agreements and Intellectual Property Agreements.Their goal is to push the higher IP enforcement standards into multilateral agreements as the Global IP Upward Ratchet to constrain the Third World countries.Besides the WTO and WIPO,the developed countries are also trying to implement higher IP enforcement standards into the World Customs Organization( WCO),the Universal Postal Union( UPU),the World Health Organization( WHO)and other multilateral forums.Such 'multipronged'strategy in unilateral,bilateral and multilateral level to implement TRIPS-Plus IP enforcement standards constitutes great challenge to developing countries.
作者 廖丽
出处 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第9期45-51,161,共7页 Jinan Journal(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金武汉大学自主科研项目(人文社会科学)武汉大学人文社会科学"70后"学者学术团队建设计划<中国知识产权战略实施团队>(批准号:120274178) 武汉大学自主科研项目<后TRIPS时期国际知识产权执法比较研究>
关键词 知识产权 执法 TRIPS-PLUS Intellectual Property Enforcement TRIPS-Plus
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