
地方性氟中毒区孕妇与胎儿间氟水平关系探讨 被引量:2

Study on Relationship between Fluoride Level of Pregnant Women and Fetuses in Endemic Fluorosis Areas
摘要 本文以地方性氟中毒区54名孕妇及其引产胎儿为研究对象,用敏感的氟电极测定法检测母体尿氟、血氟、胎儿脐带血氟及羊水氟含量,分析了母体与胎儿间氟水平的关系。结果表明:母体血氟与胎儿脐带血氟,羊水氟水平间差异显著,且存在剂量反应关系;母体尿氟与羊水氟水平间也存在剂量反应关系,但尿氟与胎儿血氟水平间无剂量反应关系;在不同的尿氟水平下,尿氟、母体血氟,脐带血氟、羊水氟含量间平均比值呈现一定的规律性。该研究提示,母体内氟可以经胎盘进入胎儿体内,其进入量可以用母体血氟、尿氟水平进行估测。 A stuby about the relationship of fluoride lev- el between pregnating women and fetuses was car- ried out in 1988. 54 fetuses were taken by abort- ion from women who were pregnating 16~38 wee- ks, 20~40 ages, at the endemic fluorosis areas. The fluoride level in urine, amniotic fluid, mate- rnal and cord blood was tested with fluoride ele- ctrod. The result showed that the fluoride level in maternal blood was significantly different from that in cord blood and in amniotic fluid (t=4.57, t=25.58). There were a correlative relationship between the fluoride level of maternal blood and cord blood, maternal blood and amniotic fluid, and urine and amniotic fluid. Under differferent fluo- ride of urine, the percentage of fluoride level between maternal and cord blood was stable. The category was from 70% to 80%. It was suggested that the placenta only have a little detaining func- tion. The result also showed that the fluoride lev- el of urine and maternal blood can be used to esti- mate the fluoride level of cord blood and amniotic fluid.
出处 《中国公共卫生学报》 1991年第2期78-80,共3页
关键词 氟中毒 孕妇 胎儿 氟水平 Maternal blood fluoride Maternal urine fluoride
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