
新课程背景下基础教育教学改革的检视——中小学教师专业知识的不足与提升 被引量:2

On Secondary and Primary School Teachers' Professional Knowledge Deficiency and Promotion in the Background of New Curriculum
摘要 推进教师专业化关键是构建教师专业知识体系.教师专业知识主要包括学科知识、课程知识、教学知识以及通识性知识.在新课程改革中,中小学教师专业知识准备不足,无法适应新课程改革的需要,有必要构建诱致性和强制性的机制,激励教师主动学习;同时,教师要在真实的教学情境中不断"感悟",形成个性化的专业知识系统.而师范生专业知识建构需要体现师范生的主体性,在实践性活动中内化专业知识. Teachers'professional knowledge construction is the key to promote professionalism of teachers . Teachers' professional knowledge includes subject content knowledge ,curriculum knowledge ,teaching knowledge and common knowledge . However , in the course of new curriculum reform , professional knowledge deficiency of secondary and primary school teachers leads to the predicament of new curriculum reform .Therefore ,it is necessary to construct induced and forced mechanism ,so as to inspire teachers to learn actively .At the same time ,teachers should achieve their inspiration in real teaching situation to con-struct personalized professional knowledge system .As far as professional knowledge construction of the normal university students ,they can internalize professional knowledge by practical activities .
作者 伍小兵
出处 《西南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第10期171-176,共6页 Journal of Southwest China Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 新课程 中小学教师 教师专业知识 教学知识 new curriculum secondary and primary school teachers teachers&#39 professional knowledge teaching knowledge
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