
产业转移对中国中部地区的环境影响研究 被引量:96

On the Influence of the Industrial Transfer on the Environment in the Central Region of China
摘要 我国实施中部崛起发展战略后,中部地区相继出台了自己的发展战略,积极承接东部沿海省份的产业转移。东部沿海省份的产业结构升级需求和中部崛起战略的实施,不可避免地带来了产业的梯度转移,在产业的区际转移过程中,究竟有没有伴随着污染的转移?因此,在对于外商直接投资、国际贸易引起的国家之间污染转移的污染避难所问题进行研究的同时,对于我国国内地区之间的产业转移所产生的环境污染问题也必须引起足够的重视。本文基于Becker和Henderson对污染密集型产业的分类方法,采用以区位商的构建机理为基础的产业竞争力系数,以及重污染行业产值的全国占比等指标,利用我国中部地区山西、安徽、江西、河南、湖北和湖南六个省份2000-2010年的面板数据,分析了中部地区污染密集型产业的转入情况,并进一步实证检验了这种产业转移对中部地区污染转移的影响。研究发现,在2004年后,也就是中部崛起战略实施后,各种污染密集型产业向中部转移的趋势越来越明显。有色金属矿采选业,非金属矿采选业,农副食品加工业,食品制造业,饮料制造业,纺织业,造纸及纸制品业,石油加工、炼焦及核燃料加工业,化学原料及化学制品制造业,非金属矿物制品业,黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业,电力、热力的生产和供应业等污染密集型行业向中部地区的转入,造成了废水、二氧化硫和烟尘等污染物的排放向中部地区的转入。文章最后对中部地区在实施招商引资政策、积极承接东部沿海省份等发达地区的产业转移和环境保护方面提出了相应的对策建议。 The central region have introduced their own development strategies,actively undertaken the industrial transfer of the eastern coastal provinces after the implementation of the development strategy of the rise of central China.The demand of upgrading of the industrial structure of eastern coastal provinces,and the implementation of the strategy of the rise of central China,inevitably lead to the industrial gradient transfer.During the process of the interregional industrial transfer,whether or not accompanied by the transfer of pollution? Therefore,while the pollution haven of international transfer of pollution problems caused by the foreign direct investment and international trade has been studied,the environmental pollution problems caused by the domestic interregional industrial transfer in China must also be paid enough attention.Based on the Becker and Henderson' s (2000) classification of pollution-intensive industries,this article analyzes the transfer of heavily polluting industries to the central provinces with the panel data of 27 industry segments in six provinces including Shanxi,Anhui,Jiangxi,Henan,Hubei and Hunan in central China between 2000-2010,and explains the influence of the industrial transfer on the pollution transfer,as well as the other influencing factors of pollution transfer.The result shows that there is the phenomenon of pollution-intensive industrial transfer in China' s central region after 2004,especially the transfer of nonferrous metal mining industry,non-metallic mining and dressing industry,agricultural and sideline products processing industry,food manufacturing industry,beverage manufacturing industry,textile industry,papermaking and paper products industry,petroleum processing,coking and nuclear fuel processing industry,chemical materials and chemical products manufacturing,non-metallic mineral products industry,ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry,electricity,heat production and supply industry,which causes the pollution transfer such as waste water,sulfur dioxide and soot and other pollutants in China' s central region.The article finally gives some suggestions about the strategy for industrial transfer and environmental protection in China' s central region.
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第11期96-102,共7页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家哲学社会科学基金项目“我国区域一体化进程中的污染产业转移与区域协调研究”(编号:14BJL084) 上海市重点学科资助项目(编号:B802)
关键词 产业转移 污染密集型产业 污染转移 Industrial transfer Pollution-intensive industries pollution transfer
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