
非营利性社会组织能力建设中的人力资源紧张及其纾解 被引量:8

The Difficulties and Solutions for the Human Resources Dilemma in the Ability Construction of the Social Organizations as the Private Non-enterprise Unites
摘要 社会组织在国家治理体系中扮演着越来越重要的地位,其参与社会治理的能力是亟待解决的问题。人力资源是任何一个组织发展的核心资源,目前非营利性社会组织在提供服务中呈现出专业水平不足的根本原因在于人力资本专有性程度不足,从而导致专业化职业化程度不高。作者认为,解决这类组织人力资源困境的关键是构建从业人员的胜任素质模型并进行资格认证,并以此为基础完善相关政策与制度措施,通过胜任素质模型来招募和管理从业人员,提升非营利性社会组织人力资源的职业化与社会服务的专业化水平。 The social organizations play a more and more important role in national governance system. The key to the question is their abilities to participate in the social governance. Human resource is the core of any organization development resources. The social organizations including the private non- enterprise unites presents the low degree of expertise when providing social services,the fundamental reason is lack of professional staff. Its root cause lies in the value of the human resource in the social organizations has been underestimated and the related systems and measures are imperfect. The author thinks that the key solution which solves the problem is to construct the stratified private non- enterprise unites practitioners competence quality model,and perfecting the relevant policy and institutional measures on the basis. According to the model,the social organizations recruit and manage the organization members.
作者 刘兰华
出处 《兰州学刊》 CSSCI 2014年第11期157-163,共7页
基金 国家社科基金青年项目"社会企业商业模式创新的路径与评估机制研究(项目编号:13CGL123) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(项目编号:71402067) 山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金(项目编号:BS2013SF012)
关键词 社会组织 治理能力 人力资源 胜任素质 专业化 social organization governance ability human resource competence quality professionalism
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