
“创业中国”工程——创新驱动发展的加速器 被引量:7

“Startup China Program”, the Accelerator of Innovation Driven Development
摘要 基于两大因素,全球巨大的创业机会空间已经开启,历史性的创业浪潮正在形成。一是从移动互联网开始,互联网融入实体世界,对各行各业带来深度变革;二是中国的巨大市场规模及其快速增长态势,正在带来中国市场定义产品的时代,进而带动新能源、节能环保、自动化和机器人、高端装备制造等产业的加速发展。由于创业门槛的空前降低,以及互联网变革的颠覆性,当前创业浪潮具有大众创业和普遍创业的特点。在此背景下,我国的创业机会空间尤为巨大,创业生态系统也在快速改善,因此既有必要也有可能实施"创业中国"的战略工程,以建设创业要素密集、创业主体繁荣、创业平台高效、创业服务完善和创业文化浓郁的中国特色创业生态系统,形成推进创新驱动战略的有效抓手,打造具有全球引领性的"创业中国"品牌工程。 A historical wave of startups based on the huge opportunity space of entrepreneurship is coming into being globally for two reasons. Firstly, along with the rise of mobile internet, Internet keeps on being integrated into the real world and hence forth bringing a deep industrial revolution. Secondly, the era of products defined by China' s market is coming for the market' s hug and e scale and its rapid growth, which is speeding up the development of the industries of new energy, energy conservation environment protection, automation and robotics, and the socalled highend manufacturing. The current wave of startups is unique for its characteristics of mass entrepreneurship. In this context, the opportunity space of entrepreneurship in China is especially huge, with its entrepreneurship ecosystem being improved continuously. Therefore, it is necessary and possible to initiate Startup China Program aiming to build an entrepreneurship ecosystem with Chinese characteristics which includes abundant elements, flourishing startups, efficient platforms, various services, and entrepreneurial culture. The Program will be conducive to Innovation Driven Development strategy, and has the potential to be a program with a global brand.
出处 《中国科学院院刊》 2014年第6期718-722,共5页 Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金2013年青年项目(71202128) 中科院科技政策与管理科学所重大研究项目(Y201141Z07)
关键词 创业中国 创新驱动发展 创业生态系统 互联网 大众创业 Startup China Program, innovation driven development, entrepreneurship ecosystem, intemet, mass entrepreneurship
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