
不同服务类型中消费情绪的作用机制研究——基于顾客满意认知模型 被引量:6

A Study on the Mechanism of Consumption Emotions in Different Types of Service——Based on Customer Satisfaction Cognitive Model
摘要 探讨情绪对顾客满意的作用机制是消费行为领域的研究重点。文章将服务消费环境进行区分(功能型/享乐型),基于期望不一致理论讨论和分析了情绪在两类服务类型中的作用,构建了理论模型,并选择两类典型的服务行业进行了问卷调查。基于调查数据,构建结构方面模型对假设进行了实证检验。结果发现,对于功能型服务,消费情绪在期望不一致对顾客满意的影响中起到部分中介作用;对于享受型服务,消费情绪在期望不一致对顾客满意的影响中起到完全中介作用;愉快情绪主要通过唤起(兴奋)情绪来对顾客满意产生影响。而且在不同的消费环境中期望不一致对顾客满意影响部分(功能型)或完全(享受型)通过消费情绪产生的,因而期望不一致对顾客满意的影响也是通过唤起情绪传递的。最后,对研究结果的理论意义和实践应用进行了讨论。 It is a hot topic to study the mechanism of emotion on customer satisfaction in the field of consumer behavior. Inthis article,we differentiate service consumptions(functional/hedonic service),and discuss the impact of emotions on thetwo types of service consumptions and construct a theoretical model according to the expectation disconformation theory. Weconduct the survey on the two kinds of typical service consumptions,and build the structure model to make an empiricaltest on the hypothesis based on the survey data. We find that,consumption emotions play a partial mediating role in custom.er satisfaction with expectation disconformation in functional service,and play a full mediating role in customer satisfactionwith expectation disconformation in hedonic service; pleasant emotions have the effect on customer satisfaction mainly byarousing (excitement) emotions. Moreover, the impact of expectation disconformation on customer satisfaction (partial infunctional service and full in hedonic service) is brought about by consumption emotions and also transferred by arousingemotions in different consumption environments. Finally,we discuss the theoretical significance and practical application ofthe results.
作者 杨春江 刘微
出处 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 2014年第12期162-167,共6页 East China Economic Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71102152 71272126) 燕山大学博士基金项目(B812) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(11YJC630146 10YJC630321)
关键词 期望不一致 唤起情绪 愉快情绪 顾客满意 expectation disconformation arousing emotions pleasant emotions customer satisfaction
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