
长期保存中的数字对象不变性研究 被引量:4

Research on Fixity of Digital Object in Digital Preservation
摘要 【目的】研究在长期保存实践中如何应用不变性检查保障数字对象持久不变,指导可信赖保存系统研发工作。【方法】通过分析保存领域的相关标准规范,对比相关工具,总结保存实践,按照保存生命周期流程进行综合分析。【结果】在长期保存的整个生命周期的关键节点上(摄入、生成AIP、存储、分发),可根据实际需求采用不同的不变性检查方法和策略实施不变性检查,同时总结不变性信息的存储方式和不变性功能的构建方式。【结论】有利于帮助保存系统的开发人员了解和掌握不变性检查的方法和策略,从而在实践中因地制宜地开发不变性检查功能和策略,有效保障数字对象的持久不变性。 [Objective] Research on how to use fixity check to ensure consistent fixity of digital object in preservation practices. [Methods] By reviewing standards and specifications, comparing fixity check tools, make a summary of current preservation projects and systems, and finally give a comprehensive analysis depending on preservation lifecycle. [Results] According to the actual needs, diversified methods and strategies of fixity check can be applied in the key nodes (ingest, AIP creation, storage, delivery) of the entire lifecycle management of digital preservation. And also do some reseach on how to store fixity information and how to build up fixity check. [Conclusions] This study may better help follow-up researchers and developers quickly understand and master the method and strategies of fixity check, help them to develop appropriate tools and strategies according to the actual need, so that preservation system can effectively ensure consistent fixity of digital object.
作者 吴振新
出处 《现代图书情报技术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第11期1-9,共9页 New Technology of Library and Information Service
关键词 不变性检查 长期保存 数字对象 Fixity check Digital preservation Digital object
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