新的SOLAS 2009破舱稳性规则于2009年1月1日正式生效。针对破舱稳性要求更为严格的新规则,结合一艘大型巡航救助船为例,介绍应用FORAN软件的概率破舱稳性分析方法,以期对后续相关船舶总体设计与概率破舱稳性分析提供具体参考。
A new regulation of probabilistic damage ering the new regulation having more strict requirements analysis method based on FORAN software is introduced the method may serve as a reference for future relatively stability in SOLAS became effective in January 1st. 2009. Consid- of probabilistic damage stability, the probabilistic damage stability in this paper taking large cruise and rescue ship as an example and ship design and probabilistic damage stability analysis.
Computer & Digital Engineering