以序批式活性污泥反应器(SBR)为主体,以生活污水为处理对象,考察了不同的进水COD/N比值对生活污水脱氮的影响。结果表明,尽管进水的COD不同,但是出水COD均低于30 mg/L,平均去除率高于90.05%,说明COD的去除与进水COD/N无关。而对于总氮的去除则表现出很大的波动性,COD/N比为10时总氮去除率最高达到64.20%,出水浓度为19.87 mg/L。其他3种进水的总氮去除率分别只有51.94%、43.22%、37.39%。因此,不同COD/N比的进水对脱氮效果影响较大,并且去除率随着碳氮比的升高而增加。
Based on the sequencing batch reactor, the influence of different COD/N ratios on nitrogen removal of sewage was investigated. Data demonstrated that, with different COD/N ratios, the average removal efficiencies of COD were above 90% suggesting that it was irrespective of COD/N ratios. However, the TN removal efficiency greatly fluctuated. The TN removal efficiency was the highest at 64.20% while the influent COD/N ratio was adjusted to 10. Decreased COD/N ratios to 4, 6 and 8, TN removal efficiencies were 37.39%, 43.22% and 51.94%. Consequently, the nitrogen removal is influenced greatly by influent COD/N ratios and removal efficiencies are increased with COD/N ratios rising.
Journal of Liaoning University of Technology(Natural Science Edition)