
电信数据业务创新质量、参与者相对市场关系与定价决策 被引量:1

Quality of Telecom Data Service Innovation,Participants' Relative Market Relation and Price Decision
摘要 针对已有文献均孤立的研究产品创新质量或参与企业相对市场关系对电信业务定价决策的影响,以及未能在价格、质量感知效用、质量设计成本之间建立逻辑一致的联系这些缺陷,建立了业务创新质量(包括感知质量与质量设计成本)、企业相对市场关系与电信业务价格之间的统一分析框架,并考察了模型均衡及性质。结果表明:创新质量可以提升用户支付价格并增加运营系统利润。当电信市场规模较小时,双方同时决策意味着低业务价格、高创新质量和高系统利润,而序贯决策则意味着决策先行者拥有先动者优势;当市场规模较大时,运营商先行决策会带来高业务价格、高创新质量和高系统利润,而作为追随者的服务提供商可通过提升创新质量来改善价值获取,获得后动者优势。 There are few studies on joint-impact of product quality and participants' relative market relationship on price decision of telecom data services, and the logical relationship in price, perceived quality utility and quality cost. This paper establishes a unified analytical framework of product quality, relative market relationship and price, and further analyzes the equilibriums. The results show that the innovation quality may increase the consumers' payment and the profits of the telecom system. When the scale of telecom business market is small, simultaneous decision-making of service provider and telecom operator provides better quality, uses less expenditure, and generates higher profits~ while sequential decision-making provides the first-mover advantage. When the market scale is large, telecom operator makes decision firstly may bring even better quality, more expenditure and higher system profits; and as a follower, service provider may increase its value acquisition, obtain second-mover advantage through quality-enhancement.
出处 《系统管理学报》 CSSCI 2014年第6期797-803,共7页 Journal of Systems & Management
基金 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划项目(91224001) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71202074)
关键词 电信数据业务 创新质量 相对市场关系 定价决策 telecom data service~ innovation quality~ relative market relation price decision
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