分析CNG加气站总图设计中防火间距的重要性、爆炸危险区域的概念及作用,对现行国家标准GB 50156—2012《汽车加油加气站设计与施工规范》中站内设施的防火间距与爆炸危险区域的相互关系进行探讨,提出CNG加气站总图设计中确定设施之间距离时应考虑防火间距、爆炸危险区域两个因素。
The importance of fire spacing aswell as the concept and function of explosion hazardousarea in general design of CNG filling station are ana-lyzed. The relationship between the fire spacing andthe explosion hazardous area in the current nationalstandard Code for Design and Construction of Automo-bile Gasoline and Gas Filling Station (GB 50156 -2012) is discussed. It is put forward that the two fac-tors namely fire spacing and explosion hazardous areashould be taken into account in determination of thedistance between facilities in general design of CNGfilling station.
Gas & Heat