John Urry has been one of the most important and consistent contributors to tourism studiesover the past two decades. His book (The Tourist Gaze) has been widely considered as one of the bestgeneral theoretical accounts of tourism. In his book he developed the classic notion-‘tourist gaze’, anotion inspired by the works on‘gaze’by Michel Foucault. However, some researchers have adoptedthe vaguely defined concept of‘gaze’and linked tourism directly to visual experience - to seeing orsightseeing- and neglected the other senses in tourists’experience. Other researchers have equated‘tourist gaze’to the micro- power theory of Foucault. As a result, tourism researchers have notadequately explored the depth of the Urry’s notion and some misunderstanding and confusion exist.There is no doubt that what may first appear as an alien concept or theory may eventually developinto a central theory of tourism by critical thinking and empirical demonstration by the large academiccommunity. This‘theoretical self-consciousness’process of generating tourism knowledge reinforcesthe importance of rethinking the‘tourist gaze’. Based on a review of Urry’s original work on‘touristgaze’and subsequent literature, this article argues that Urry’s initial purpose in The Tourist Gaze wasto construct a‘general theory’of tourism, a sort of sociology of tourism and to provide a totallydifferent notion with a way of seeing or‘eye of power’.After that, this paper explores the theoretical dilemma created by Urry’s appeal to a‘generaltheory’and the inappropriate metaphor of‘Gaze’. Then the author reviews the emerging theory andfinds numerous criticisms of this notion and subsequent reformulations of tourism including thosebased on‘performance theory’and‘embodiment theory’which logically extend from variouscriticisms of Urry’s concept of‘Gaze’. In order to extend the meaning of‘Gaze’to be multisensoryand include notions of performance and embodiment, this paper starts from Urry’s‘extraordinary’explanation of the object of‘tourist gaze’, which reduces‘extraordinary’to the objective existenceand abandons the tourists’agency. I argue that there are, in fact, many tourist attractions that have bothan objective‘extraordinary’character and a subjective‘extraordinary’possibility. In this paper Iredefine‘tourist gaze’in light of the subjective agency. I suggest‘attention’should be used as a newinterpretation and a new starting point to understand‘tourist gaze’by examining the embodied andmulti-sensuous nature, as well as, the objective and subjective nature of the‘tourist gaze’. In addition,the meaning of‘tourist gaze’should be enlivened and enriched by studies in the fields of psychology,biology, aesthetics, semiology, sociology, anthropology, visual culture, etc.In the end, this paper argues that‘tourist gaze’can be regarded as a way to achieve‘touristexperience’by integrating, alienating, highlighting and making sense of the object of‘gaze’. Thus, theessence of‘tourist gaze’can be clearly defined and understood in the theoretical system of tourismstudies.
Tourism Tribune
tourist gaze
tourist experience