
非典型性亚急性甲状腺炎超声诊断价值 被引量:5

Ultrasonography diagnosis value for atypical subacute thyroiditis
摘要 目的无临床症状的亚急性甲状腺炎亦称为非典型性亚急性甲状腺炎(ASAT),该研究旨在探讨ASAT超声特点。方法回顾性分析41个经病理证实的ASAT结节的超声声像图特点,初步分析发现所有结节均呈实性低回声且无钙化。随机抽取41个经病理证实的实性低回声且无钙化的甲状腺癌结节纳入为对照组,对比分析两组病例超声特点。结果 ASAT组、对照组结节大小分别为0.8-4.1 cm,平均(1.7±0.8)cm,0.6-3.3 cm,平均(1.2±0.6)cm,病例组均较对照组结节大(P〈0.05)。病例组及对照组出现纵横比〉1、统计学意义低回声及彩色多普勒血流信号的比例差异无统计学意义(均P〉0.05),而ASAT组出现边界模糊比例高于对照组(80.5%对29.3%,P〈0.05),以边界模糊诊断ASAT的敏感性和特异性分别为80.5%和70.7%。而回声向心性减低只见于9例ASAT结节,回声向心性减低诊断ASAT的敏感性和特异性分别为22.0%和100.0%。结论结节边界不清,回声向心性减低有助于非典型性亚急性甲状腺炎的诊断。 【Objective】To evaluate ultrasonography(US) characteristics of clinically atypical subacute thyroiditis(ASAT). 【Methods】The ultrasound characteristics of 41 ASAT nodules confirmed by pathological diagnosis were retrospectively analyzed. Preliminary analysis showed that all the ASAT nodules were hypoechoic solid without calcification. Forty-one randomly selected malignant thyroid nodules which were also hypoechoic solid without calcification were enrolled as control group. The ultrasound characteristics of the two groups were compared. 【Results】The mean diameters of ASAT group and malignancy group were 0.8-4.1 cm, mean(1.7±0.8) cm, 0.6-3.3 cm, mean(1.2±0.6) cm respectively. The ASAT group had larger nodules size compared with malignancy groups(P〈0.05). No significant difference was detected for the variables of marked echogenicity, taller than wide shape and color Doppler flow(P〈0.05). Ill-defined margin was more frequently detected in ASAT group than malignancy group(80.5% versus 29.3%, P〈0.05), it yielded a high capability in differential diagnosis for ASAT, with sensitivity and specificity of80.5% and 70.7%, respectively. Centripetal reduction echogenicity was observed exclusively to ASAT group in X nodules, with a high specificity(100%) but a low sensitivity(22.0%) for ASAT diagnosis.【Conclusion】Ill-defined margin and centripetal reduction echogenicity are useful parameters for differential diagnosis of ASAT.
出处 《中国现代医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第34期77-80,共4页 China Journal of Modern Medicine
关键词 亚急性甲状腺炎 超声 甲状腺癌 subacute thyroiditis ultrasonography thyroid carcinoma
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