
面向服务的可组合可重用仿真技术研究 被引量:12

Research on Simulation Composability and Reusability Based on SOA
摘要 分析了仿真技术发展现状和仿真面临新需求,提出了面向服务的仿真平台技术框架,该框架基于面向服务架构和软件组件技术,可较好地满足仿真灵活性和扩展性的要求。构建了一个面向服务的作战仿真平台验证系统,该平台采用Java EE/EJB组件规范分别实现了通用仿真服务和领域模型服务功能,实验证明面向服务仿真架构支持仿真模型的组合和重用,可有效提高仿真效率、灵活性和开放性。 Some problems of simulation reusability and composability were discussed firstly, and then a service-oriented simulation framework was proposed based on SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture) methodology and CBSE(Component-Based Software Engineering) to meet the emerging requirements for reusability and composability in simulation area. A concrete platform for warfare simulation was built according to Java EE/EJB specification and some implementation details were expatiated. Some experiments show that SOA-based simulation framework achieves the goal of simulation composability which improves the efficiency, flexibility and openness of simulation systems to great extent.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第7期1522-1526,1548,共6页 Journal of System Simulation
关键词 仿真重构性 面向服务体系结构 软件组件技术 Java EE/EJB simulation composability service-oriented architecture component-based software technology Java EE/EJB
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