
基于案例教学法构建介入手术室专科护士的教学案例库 被引量:13

Construction of the case- based learning teaching cases pool for interventional radiology specialized nurse training
摘要 目的基于案例教学法构建适合介入手术室专科护士培训的教学案例库,提高介入专科护士培训质量、优化案例教学法教学流程、节约护理教育资源。方法结合文献分析、小组讨论以及介入护理专家访谈结果,选择典型案例,初步组成案例库;运用Delphi专家咨询法筛选案例,构建适用于介入手术室专科护士培训的教学案例库。结果通过两轮专家咨询,构建6个维度46个案例的教学案例库。结论咨询专家的积极性和权威程度很高,对指标评估意见有较好的一致性,构建介入手术室专科护士的案例教学法教学案例库结果可信。 Objective To construct a case -based learning (CBf,) teaching cases pool for interventional radiology specialized nurse training,to improve the quality of interventional radiology specialized nurse training,optimize CBL process,save nursing education resources. Methods Based on the results of litera- ture studies,group discussions and interviews with experts,typical were collected to construct the initial case pool. Then screening cases by two rounds of Delphi expert consultation,to build a suitable CBL teaching cases pool for interventional radiology specialized nurse training. Results The CBL teaching cases pool in- cluded 6 areas,46 cases. Conclusion There are high degree of enthusiasm and authoritative consultants,better consistency of indicators to assess views,the CBL teaching cases pool is reliable with high consultant authority and coordinate coefficient.
出处 《护理管理杂志》 2015年第1期6-9,共4页 Journal of Nursing Administration
基金 2013年度第二军医大学附属长海医院教学研究与改革项目(CHJG2013007)
关键词 介入手术室 专科护士 案例教学法 案例库 interventional radiology nurses nurse specialist case - based learning teaching cases pool
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