
广东省江门市华支睾吸虫病流行现状的调查与分析 被引量:11

Current Prevalence of Clonorchis sinensis Infection in Jiangmen,Guangdong Province
摘要 目的 对江门市华支睾吸虫病流行情况进行流行病学调查和分析。 方法 2011年5~12月,从江门市7个市(区)的东、南、西、北和中部各随机抽取一个镇,每个镇随机抽取4~5个村,每村随机抽取10%家庭中3岁以上人员为调查对象,共发放14 000个粪盒,收回12 661个。采用改良加藤厚涂片法检查华支睾吸虫卵,一粪三检,阳性样品计算每克粪便虫卵数(EPG)。 结果 本次共调查了江门市7个市(区)的35个镇140个村12 661人。江门市华支睾吸虫感染率平均为10.39%(1 316/12 661),平均EPG为98.3。7个市(区)中以蓬江区感染率最高,为26.68%(402/1 507),台山市感染率最低,为0.93%(19/2 049);鹤山市的平均感染度最高,平均EPG为225.4,台山市的平均感染度最低,平均EPG为5.13。各镇的感染率与到主要河流的距离呈负相关(r=-0.61,P〈0.01)。男性和女性的感染率分别为13.54%(822/6 073)和7.50%(494/6 588),平均EPG分别为118.9和72.5。20岁以上人群,男女的感染率和感染度均明显上升,感染率最高的年龄组为60~69岁,为14.29%(169/1 183),感染度最高的为70岁以上年龄组,平均EPG为153.8。调查发现,99.91%(12 650/12 661)的感染者为轻度感染,仅0.09%(11/12 661)的感染者为中度感染,无重度感染者。 结论 江门市7个市(区)均不同程度存在华支睾吸虫病流行,各地区感染率和感染度间差异较大,感染率高的镇主要沿大的河流分布。 Objective To investigate the prevalence of clonorchiasis in Jiangmen City. Methods From May to December 2011, each town was randomly chosen from east, south, west, north and central area of 7 cities/districts of Jiangmen City. Four or five villages were randomly selected from each town. In each village, the residents above 3-year-old in 10% randomly sampled families were treated as research objects. Total of 14 000 fecal boxes were issued and 12 661 ones back. Eggs in stool were examined by modified Kato-Katz thick smear method(three slides per specimen). Results A total of 1 316 clonorchiasis cases were found from 12 661 pepople in 140 villages with a prevalence of 10.39% (1 316/12 661). The average egg density was 98.3 eggs per gram(EPG) feces. Among 7 cities/districts, the prevalence in Pengjiang District(26.68%, 402/1 507) was the highest, and that of Taishan City(0.93%, 19/2 049) was the lowest. The egg density in Heshan City was the highest (225.4 EPG) and the lowest one was found in Taishan City (5.13 EPG). The prevalence was negatively related with the distance to major rivers(r=-0.61,P〈0.01). The prevalence and the egg density in males and females was 13.20% (807/6 112) and 80.9 EPG, and 7.77% (509/6 549) and 39.4 EPG, respectively. The prevalence and intensity of infection increased obviously in the groups of above 20-year-old. The people with a higher prevalence was the group of 60-69 year-old, and the people above 70 years showed heavier infection(153.8 EPG). Light, moderate and heavy infection occupied 99.91%, 0.09%, and 0. Conclusion Clonorchiasis is endemic in seven districts of Jiangmen City with different epidemic degrees. There are significant differences in the prevalence and intensity of infection among different areas. The villages with higher prevalence distribute along the middle and lower sections of the two major rivers.
出处 《中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期441-445,共5页 Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases
关键词 华支睾吸虫病 江门市 横断面研究 流行病学 Clonorchiasis sinensis Jiangmen City Cross-sectional study Epidemiology
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