
美国中学与大学衔接政策变革与特色研究 被引量:7

Study on the Transition and Characteristics of Postsecondary Education Policy in the U.S.
摘要 美国的中学与大学衔接政策,经历了一系列改革与持续变迁:从《高等教育法》的颁布以及"向上跃进""人才搜索"和"学生支持服务"这三个合称为TRIO项目的落实,到当前《共同核心州立标准》与《不让一个孩子掉队》豁免计划的实施。以翔实研究数据支撑政策变革,以分散到统一的顶层设计引领政策制定,以大量经费投入确保政策实施,以超越工具理性的远见检验政策效果,以追求公平与卓越推动政策改革持续深入,是美国中学与大学衔接政策发展和嬗变的鲜明特色。 The U.S. transition to postsecondary education policy started from TRIO program (including Upward Bound, the Talent Search and the Student Support Services) to the launching of the Higher Education Act of 1965 to the implementation of Common Core State Standards and No Child Left Behind Flexibility. The U.S. transition to postsecondary policy has undergone constant reforms, which were backed up the evidence-based longitudinal studies and a large amount of funds invested. The U.S. federal government has adopted the unified standard to push the transition to postsecondary policy away from the mediocre patchwork. In addition, the policy has been assessed on the long-term effects instead of instrument rationality.
作者 杨奕枫
出处 《中国高教研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期69-74,共6页 China Higher Education Research
关键词 大学与职业生涯准备:中学与大学衔接 AP课程 college and career readiness transition to postsecondary education AP course
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