目的:调查甘肃、贵州、湖南、辽宁和浙江五省药物滥用流行现状和流行水平,并探索在我国开展社区药物滥用流行病学调查的方法。方法:根据上述五省禁毒办掌握(2003年)登记在册的药物滥用人数及各相关地区人口数,计算不同地区人群中登记在册药物滥用率,在此基础上采用多阶段系统整群抽样方法抽取或确定调查地区。现场调查以抽中的社区或行政村为整群抽样单位,对该社区或村的所有15岁-50周岁实有人口(居住该社区/村的现有人口,包括流动人口和临时居住人员),采用挨户逐人访谈、线索调查相结合的方法进行匿名问卷入户调查。调查问卷采用自行设计的《居民用药习惯问卷》和《药物使用情况》,调查内容包括社区(村)人群一生中非医疗目的滥用麻醉药品、精神药品和其他具有滥用潜力的非管制药品的情况(包括滥用种类、时间、原因、方式及因吸毒中毒致死等)。采用EPI-INF 5.01a软件建立数据库,并对收集的问卷进行双录入,采用SPSS 11.5软件进行相应统计分析。结果:(1)本调查在甘肃等五省共抽取30个区县,包括城镇社区34个,农村行政和/或自然村85个,共调查71 849个城乡居民户,15-50周岁人口163 247人,其中有效调查人数161 888人。(2)本次共调查出一生中滥用过麻醉药品、精神药品的药物滥用(吸毒)人员1 098例。(3)滥用的主要药物为海洛因(占92.1%),其他药物包括度冷丁、安钠咖、氯胺酮、冰毒和摇头丸等。(4)按流行病学方法计算,甘肃等五省15岁-50岁年龄段调查人群中一生平均药物滥用率为67.82/万(或0.68%);五省共调查出近5年因药物滥用过量(吸毒中毒)死亡人数48例,药物滥用病死率占五省发现15岁-50岁药物滥用人数的4.4%;药物滥用死亡率占被调查人群总数的29.7/10万。结论:(1)五省15岁-50岁人口调查人群中平均一生药物滥用率为67.82/万(或0.68%)。(2)甘肃、贵州、辽宁、浙江、湖南五省15岁-50周岁人口"一生药物滥用率"分别为81.57/万(0.82%)、157.69/万(1.58%)、30.83/万(0.31%)、48.43/万(0.48%)和54.60/万(0.55%)。(3)五省调查人群平均药物滥用过量中毒死亡率为29.65/10万;甘肃、贵州、辽宁、浙江和湖南分别为4.88/10万、60.49/10万、3.63/10万、13.33/10万和42.53/10万。(4)甘肃、贵州、浙江、湖南调查人群中滥用的药物以海洛因、鸦片为主;辽宁调查人群中滥用的药物以度冷丁、安钠咖为主。
Objective:To investigate current situation of drug abuse in five provinces (Gansu, Guizhou, Hunan,Liaoning and Zhejiang provinces), and to explore appropriate community epidemiological methods on surveying drug abuse in China. Methods: We calculated registered drug abuse rate according to the number of registered drug users and population in the relevant communities in 2003, and determined the investigation areas via multi - stage systematic cluster sampling method. We employed household interviews and cluesurvey methods with anonymous household questionnaires, and investigated all the population aged 15 -50 living in the selected communities or villages ,including migrants and temporary residents. We administered "Resident Drug Habits Questionnaire" and "Drug Use Questionnaire ", which included information(drug type,the time and reason of drug use and drug poisoning,etc. ) on lifetime prevalence of non- medical use of narcotic drugs ,psychotropic substances and other noncontrolled drugs with potential for abuse among community( or village) population. Data entry was done via EPI -INF( version 5.01a), and statistical analysis was performed via SPSS (version 11.5). Results: We investigated 71 849 households and 163 247 people aged 15 -50 living in 30 counties(34 communities in the cities and 85 villages in the countryside), and 161 888 people returned valid questionnaires. A total of 1 098 people reported experiences of use of narcotic drugs or psychotropic drugs, the majority of whom mainly abused heroin (92. 1% ). Other drugs included meperidine, caffeine and sodium benzoate, ketamine, methamphetamine and MDMA(ecstasy). The lifetime prevalence of illicit drugs were 0.68 percent among people aged 15 -50 in the above 5 provinces. In addition,48 users died of drug overdose,which accounted for a case fatality rate of 4. 4 percent and a mortality rate of 29.7 x 10 - 5. Conclusion: The lifetime prevalence of drug use was 0. 82% ,1.58% ,0.31% ,0.48% and 0. 55% ,respectively,among general population aged 15-50 in Gansu, Guizhou,Liaoning,Zhejiang and Hunan provinces(0.68 percent on average). In these five provinces, the mortality rates were 29.65 x 10-5 on average, but 4.88 x 10-5,60.49 x 10-s, 3.63 x 10-5,13.33 x 10-5 and 42.53 x 10-5, respectively. Drug users in Gansu,Guizhou ,Zhejiang and Hunan provinces mainly abused heroin and opium,while users in Liaoning province mainly used meperidine, caffeine and sodium benzoate.
Chinese Journal of Drug Dependence
drug abuse
epidemiological survey
prevalence rate
case fatality rate
mortality rate