Trigeminal neuralgia is one of clinical common neuralgia disease, having the characteristics of paroxysmal, unilateral, tearing, temporary pain, and can relief in a few seconds or minutes, which is due to the trigeminal nerve root zone compressed by vascular or wrapped by arachnoid bundle, resulting into the demyelinating lesions caused by abnormal discharge, and the right side of the incidence is higher than the left. The treatment methods of trigeminal neuralgia are so many today. However, microvascular decompression is one of the treatments, and has been recognized as the first choice for treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. Its principle is to remove responsible blood vessels and thicken the arachnoid in the root zone. Microvascular decompression is one of the fine operation, first, nerve decompressing is thoroughly on the premise of no damage nerves, second, special attention should be paid to protect the surface and vestibular nerve and vein in the operation, in order to reduce complications and avoid recurrence. Now, we introduced the development of the trigeminal nerve microvascular decompression, operation essentials and complications.
Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition)
Trigeminal neuralgia
Microvascular decompression
Vascular compression