Objective: To learn the impact of medical pricing reform in 5 counties of an eastern province in Chi- na, and to generate experiences and identify lessons for an upgrade of similar mechanisms in other parts of the coun- try. Methods: Pre-post evaluation design was adopted to study changes brought by the medical pricing reform and its associated reform initiatives, and quantitative methods like interrupted time series (ITS) analysis were employed to analyze provider behavior changes and cost changes of three kinds of patients ( C-section, cerebral hemorrhage and gallbladder removal) , while qualitative methods including key informant interviews and focal group discussions were used to learn of attitude and perception changes of local reform implementers, health providers and patients. Results : Medical pricing reform basically achieved its target by substituting over 80% of drug income losses. County hospitals had smooth operations while seeing an optimal adjustment of income and spending structures, typically with lower drug shares and increasing personnel expenditures. Moreover, provider behaviors were controlled, service efficiency was improved and per capita out- and inpatient costs remained constant. However, adjustment of public financing and health insurance policies was not fully compatible to changes in pricing policy. Providers were discontented with cur- rent reform due to increased workloads and slow increases in salary. Health insurance schemes saw rapid increases in fund usage, which may threaten the safe usage of insurance funds. Conclusions : Medical pricing reform achieved pre- liminary expected outcomes. However, abnormal hospital financing mechanisms (compensating medical revenue with drug income) still existed and further reforms were called for.
Chinese Journal of Health Policy
County public hospitals
Medical pricing reform
Compensating medical revenue with drug income