
采用3日膳食回顾法对浙江省大人群膳食碘摄入水平的评估研究(英文) 被引量:3

Assessment of Dietary Iodine Intakes by 3-Day Dietary Records in Zhejiang Residents
摘要 目的评价浙江省人群膳食碘摄入水平。方法应用整群抽样法抽取9798名浙江省常住居民为调查对象,对调查点中不包含妊娠期与哺乳期妇女的居民采用24 h回顾法和查询《食物成分表》方法获得居民食物碘摄入量,同时在每个选定的社区(乡镇)采用单纯随机法抽取100户家庭采集食盐样品,采用直接滴定法检测盐碘,采集生活饮用水水样,采用砷铈催化分光光度法检测水碘。结果浙江省居民膳食碘中位日摄入量为272.36(261.99)μg/d,摄入量随着年龄升高而逐渐上升(χ2=102.27,P<0.05)。内陆地区居民膳食碘平均摄入量最高,达到了350.94(236.05)μg/d,次沿海地区次之为257.08(215.68)μg/d,沿海地区最低,为216.23(330.90)μg/d(χ2=666.20,P<0.05)。浙江省居民膳食碘不足推荐摄入量(Recommended Nutrient Intake,RNI)的比例为19.10%(1871/9798),而高于碘可耐受最高摄入量(Tolerable Upper Intake Level,UL)的比例为14.49%(1420/9798),而沿海、次沿海、内陆地区不足RNI的比例分别为35.37%(1256/3551),11.76%(415/3530),7.36%(200/2717),高于UL值的比例分别为13.04%(463/3551),,12.10%(427/3530),19.51%(530/2717)。食盐在膳食碘摄入量中的平均贡献率为73.45%,饮用水的平均贡献率为1.22%,食物的平均贡献率为25.16%;不同地区间,内陆食盐的平均贡献率最高(81.64%),饮用水平均贡献率最低,仅为0.79%;而沿海食盐的平均贡献率最低(65.37%),海带及海鱼的平均贡献率最高,达到了23.57%,2.48%。结论浙江省次沿海与内陆地区居民膳食碘摄入量达到推荐的营养摄入水平,而沿海地区则还存在一定程度的碘摄入不足。应继续在浙江省实行全民食盐加碘政策,同时针对不同地区不同的加碘盐需求情况,制定合理有效的方针政策,因地制宜,保证全民健康。 Objective To evaluate the dietary iodine intake of the residents in Zhejiang province. Methods The cluster sampling method was applied to select 9798 residents in Zhejiang province except pregnant and lactating women. Their dietary intakes were investigated for 3 days, and dietary iodine intake was calculated based on the food composition table. Salts and drinking water samples were collected for iodine measurement by colorimetric titration or spectrophotometer method. Results The median dietary iodine intake was 272.36μg/d for all residents, with an ascending trend by age (χ^2=102.27, P 〈 0.05). The median dietary iodine intake was the highest among those living in inland and sub-coastal areas and the lowest in the coastal areas (χ^2=666.20, P 〈 0.05). The percentages of residents with dietary iodine intake lower than the Chinese RNI were 19.10%, 35.37%, 11.76%, 7.36% in all areas, the coastal, sub-coastal and inland areas, respectively. In addition, 14.49%, 13.04%, 12.10%, 19.51% of residents in all areas, the coastal, sub-coastal and inland areas had an excess iodine intake (greater than the Chines: UL) respectively. The contributions to the dietary iodine intake were 73.45% by salts, 1.22% by drinking water and 25.16% by foods. The inland areas had the highest contribution rate by salts (81.64%), and the lowest contribution rate by water (0.79%); the coastal area had the lowest contribution rate by salts (65.37%), and the highest contribution rate by laver and sea fish (23.57%, 2.48%). Conclusion The dietary iodine intakes in Zhejiang sub-coastal and inland areas were at an appropriate or safe level, while it was insufficient in the residents living in the coastal areas. Nutrition education should be specialized so as to reduce iodine intake in the inland areas, and increase iodine salt consumption in the coastal areas.
出处 《营养学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期553-558,I0003,共7页 Acta Nutrimenta Sinica
基金 supported by the grant from the major projects of the Science and Technology Department of Zhejiang province (No.2009C03010-1)
关键词 膳食 摄入 人群 dietary assessment iodine intake Zhejiang
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