目的了解艾滋病(AIDS)感染者中男男性行为(MSM)人群高危性行为相关因素和心理状况。方法对112例艾滋病感染者中男男性行为者进行面对面问卷调查,并采集每位调查对象静脉血检测梅毒特异性和非特异性抗体。结果 112例调查对象中,梅毒感染所占比例达35.7%(40/112),其中现症梅毒感染占13.4%(15/112);安全套使用方面,在知道自己感染艾滋病病毒(HIV)前,安全套"每次都用"所占总比例均低于30.0%;不用安全套原因中,"没有准备安全套"、"对方不愿意使用"和"使用安全套影响双方的亲密感和信任感"所占比例较高,分别为35.7%(40/112)、28.6%(32/112)和25.9%(29/112);最初知道自己感染HIV后表示"能接受,已经有心理准备"的比例最高,占62.5%(70/112),"绝望,感觉世界末日到了"的占34.8%(39/112),"愤怒,决定报复"的占3.6%(4/112);感受方面感觉有"压力"、"孤独情绪"和"社会歧视"的分别占75.9%(85/112)、58.9%(66/112)和40.2%(45/112);今后愿意找"感染者"为性伴的比例最高,占61.6%(69/112);愿意主动告知"值得信赖的人"和"固定同性性伴"自身已感染HIV的占较高比例,分别为67.9%(76/112)和29.5%(33/112);有66.1%(74/112)受访者表示愿意动员固定同性性伴检测抗-HIV,39.3%(44/112)受访者愿意动员偶遇同性性伴。结论本次回顾性调查发现感染者中梅毒感染率较高,而安全套每次使用率较低,且部分调查对象虽能够理性接受自己感染HIV的事实,但有愤怒、决定报复等负面情绪的感染者也占一定比例。故在今后的工作中,针对感染者和未感染者应分别在心理干预和行为干预方面下功夫,从而有效地遏制艾滋病等经性传播疾病的二代传播。
Objective To analyze the factors related to high risk sexual behaviors and assess the state of mentality among HIV-positive men who have sex with men (MSM).Methods A face to face questionnaire investigation was conducted among 112 HIV-positive MSM with venous blood being collected for syphilis antibody test.Results Among 112 participants, 35.7% (40/112) were sero-positive of syphilis antibody with TP-ELISA test and 13.4% (15/112) were active syphilis. Before knowing that theywere infected with HIV, the rate of use condom every time when having sexual behaviors was below 30.0%. The common reasons of not using condom were “unprepared”, “unwilling to use condom among partners ”and“using condom may affect intimacy and the sense of trust”, the rates were 35.7% (40/112), 28.6% (32/112) and 25.9% (29/112), respectively. The ratesof some common feeling after HIV infection such as “accept the fact”, “hopelessness” and “indignation” were62.5% (70/112), 34.8% (39/112) and 3.6% (4/112), respectively after knowing that they were infected with HIV. Therates of the feelings such as “pressure”, “loneness” and“social discrimination” were 75.9% (85/112), 58.9% (66/112) and 40.2% (45/112), respectively. Majority interviewees (61.6%, 69/112) said they were more likely to find a HIV-infected people as their future partner; 67.9% (76/112) and 29.5% (33/112) of the interviewees prefer to inform “reliable people” and “ifxed homosexual partner” that himself was infected with HIV, respectively. There were 66.1% (74/112) of the interviewees would to advice their “stationary homosexual partner” to test HIV antibody while only 39.3%(44/112) would to do so for their “occasional homosexual partner”.Conclusions Retrospective research found that the rate of syphilis infection among HIV-infected was high, while the rate of interviewees who insisted on using condom every time was low. Although part of respondents were ready to accept the reality that they were infected with HIV, some MSM were still in angry and wanting to revenge. To contain the second generation ofsexual transmission diseases such as AIDS, we should emphasis more psychological intervention on HIV-infected and more behavioral intervention towards non-HIV-infected MSM in future, respectively.
Chinese Journal of Experimental and Clinical Infectious Diseases(Electronic Edition)