
规则制定与联合国维和部队武力使用 被引量:5

Rule-Making and the Use of Force in UN Peacekeeping Operations
摘要 武力使用是联合国维和行动中棘手但却绕不过去的问题。作者试图从规则制定的角度来探讨维和部队使用武力的动力与约束,尤其是解释内战环境中维和部队保护平民的障碍所在。在联合国维和行动的历史上,秘书长曾经单独或与维和部队指挥官共同承担规则制定者的角色。目前,武力使用的规则制定出现了两方面的新发展:一是安理会在规定武力使用的目的与范围上的角色得到加强,二是制定"接战规则"的权力从实地部署的维和部队上移到维和行动部。由于易受其他部门的压力,加之内部的反武文化与虚弱的组织能力,维和行动部在武力使用问题上趋向于约束实地部队的自主性与主动性,与安理会授权的要求往往背道而驰。1999年至2010年联合国刚果民主共和国特派团的维和历史正说明了上述观点。为保护平民而动武,虽然能够在短期内因政治动力与指挥官的个性因素得以实现,却因规则制定权力的转移而无法被维和行动所内化。如果缺乏变革,授权与接战规则之间脱节的问题将阻碍维和行动的合法性。 The use of force is a complicated yet unavoidable issue in UN peace operations.The process of making 'rules of engagement' is a critical perspective to understand the dynamics and obstacles of it.In retrospect,the UN Secretary General and the Force Commander once played the role of making the rule respectively or collectively.Now,there are two new trends in this respect.Firstly,the UN Security Council is playing a much larger role in defining the aim and scope of using force.Secondly,the power to make 'rules of engagement' has been moved from Force Commander to DPKO.Outside pressure,the organizational culture of anti-military and weak capability together cause a passive attitude towards use of force in DPKO,.posing great constraints on peacekeeping troops' initiative and proactive actions.This greatly contradicts with Security Council's mandates.The UN's peace operation in Democratic Republic of Congo from 1999 and 2010 has observed this paradox.Although political and personal motives have caused a short period of active use of force to protect civilians,this norm cannot be institutionalized into the mission.The disconnection between mandates and rule of engagement is going to jeopardize UN peacekeeping if not reformed.
作者 汤蓓
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期103-121,159,共19页 World Economics and Politics
基金 2013年国家社科基金项目"国际组织行政模式与联合国秘书处的运作研究"(项目号:13CGJ018)的资助
关键词 联合国维和行动 武力使用 接战规则 平民保护 国际组织 UN peace operations use of force rules of engagement protect of civilians
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  • 1International Peace Institute, "The UN Intervention Brigade in the Democratic Republic of the Congo," p. 9, http ://reliefweb. int/sites/reliefweb, int/files/resources/T:he% 2011N% 20Intervention% 2013rigade% 20in% 20the% 20Democratic%20Republic%20of%20the%20Congo.pdf,登录时间:2015年2月1日.
  • 2Patrick Cammaert, "Learning to Use Force on the Hoof in Peacekeeping: Reflections on the Experience of MONUC's Eastern Division," http://www.africaprta.rg/dspace/artic|es/earning-use-frce-hf-peacekeeping-reec-tions-experience-monucs-eastern-division,登录时间:2015年2月1日.
  • 3Jeffrey Gettleman and Neil Macfarquhar, "Congo Rebels Advance: Protesters Hurl Rocks at U.N. Com- pound," http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/28/world,/afriea/28eongo.html?.
  • 4联合国安理会.《第1856(2008)号决议》,http://www.un.org/zh/sc/documems/resolutions/08/s1856.htm,登录时间:2015年2月1日.
  • 5Julie Reynaert, "MONUC/MONUSCO and Civilian Protection in the Kivus," p.18.
  • 6Joshua Marks, "The Pitfalls of Action and Inactions: Civilian Protection in MONUC's Peacekeeping Oper- ations," African Security Review, Vol. 16, No.3, 2007, p.76.
  • 7Jim Terrie, "The Use of Force in UN Peacekeeping: The Experience of MONUC," p.23.
  • 8Jim Terrie, "The Use of Force in UN Peacekeeping: The Experience of MONUC," p.24.
  • 9Nick Wadhams, "Peacekccpers Seek a Stronger Hand in DRC," http://www.iol.co.za/news/africa/peace- keepers-seek-a-stronger-hand-in-drc- 1.235435#.VPCXc75uQnQ, 登录时间:2015年2月1日.
  • 10Victoria K. Holt and Tobias C. Berkman, "The Impossible Mandate? Military Preparedness, The Respon- sibility to Protect and Modern Peace Operations," pp.162-163.












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