Since September 9,2013,Supreme Court and Highest Procuratorate issued “Explanation in regard to some is-sues of applicable law to deal with the use of information network implementation of libel and other criminal cases”,the academic community has some controversies about “Explanation”of judicial expansion problem to understand and apply to reasonable interpretation of this September “Explanation”to prevent improper trouble crimes.The “Explanation”af-firms reasonably that information network belongs to the public place and public order is not limited to public place order, but in order to prevent improper trouble crimes,the information network which has public character should belongs to the public,the network order stir-up-trouble behavior does not belong to the network.Practice should identify strictly the“severe disorder of public order”,the judicial should prove strictly causality of action and “severe disorder of public or-der”,insuring the connection of Criminal law and Administrative law on punishment.
Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)