1例2岁6个月男性患儿因血氧饱和度0.78、x线胸片示双肺渗出性病变,考虑出现肺水肿,行气管插管机械通气.机械通气过程中为保证患儿镇静,给予右美托咪定200 μg,以10 μg/h速度持续静脉泵入.7h后患儿心率下降至63次/min,立即停用右美托咪定,1h后患儿心率上升至130~ 140次/min.
A 2 and a half years old boy was considered to have pneumonedema due to his pulse oxygen saturation of 0.78 and exudative lesion in bilateral lungs and received auxiliary treatment of tracheal intubation.During the treatment of tracheal intubation,to ensure the boy calm,he was given a continuous intravenous pumping of dexmedetomidine 200 μg at the rate of 10 μg per hour.Seven hours later,his heart rate deceased to 63 beats/min.Dexmedetomidine was withdrawn immediately.One hour later,the boy’s heart rate increased to 130-140 beats/min.
Adverse Drug Reactions Journal