
新兴创业型大学的外部治理模式——以韩国浦项科技大学为例 被引量:1

External Governance Mode of Emerging Entrepreneurial Universities——Taking POSTECH as an Example
摘要 20世纪80年代后期,第二次学术革命的产生和政府-大学-社会三者间关系模式的变化使高等教育机构日益走向社会的中心,创业型大学应运而生。而韩国浦项科技大学(POSTECH)作为一所新兴创业型大学,既没有悠久的历史也没有有利的地域优势,却在过去短短的20多年间发展成为一所世界一流大学。其成功的关键在于其创业战略的有力践行。本文主要探讨其外部治理模式的特色所在,以期能为中国构建政府-大学-社会的新型关系提供借鉴。 With the generation of second academic revolution and the change of the relationship among government,university and society,the institutions of higher education increasingly turned to the center of the society,therefore,entrepreneurial universities came into being. And as an emerging entrepreneurial university,Pohang University of Science and Technology had neither the long history of modern university nor the favorable geographical advantages,but it became a world-class university as a private university after the past 20 years. While the key factor of its success was to practice its entrepreneurial strategy. The paper mainly expressed its characteristics of external governance mode to give reference for building the new relationships among government-university-society in China. The characteristics included three aspects. Firstly,mainly The government played an important motivated role in policy-making on the level of macro management. Secondly,the social forces focused on providing the funding and support on the level of human,financial and material resources. Moreover,the university itself paid attention to serve as an important link on the level of the whole strategy. In brief,Pohang University of Science and Technology emphasized the close inner link among government,universities to seek common development and form benign circulation mechanism on the basis of making full use of favorable factors including talents,technology and so on.
作者 陈娴
出处 《现代教育论丛》 2015年第1期48-53,共6页 Modern Education Review
关键词 韩国浦项科技大学 新兴创业型大学 外部治理模式 政府-大学-社会 POSTECH Emerging entrepreneurial universities External governance mode Government-university-society
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