为获得高转化率和低阻抗的催化器结构,对一款1.5 L涡轮增压发动机的催化器结构进行了优化设计。阐述了催化器的设计过程,并进行了模态分析和CFD分析,找出连接管段压力损失约占排气系统背压的一半,是需主要改进的地方。根据分析结果,实现进口段平滑过渡,增加管径,并将后端催化器扩张和收缩管改为锥形。优化后催化器的均匀性有所改善,排气背压降低6 k Pa,对以后催化器的设计优化有很大参考价值。
The structure of a three way catalyst converter in 1.5L TC engine is designed and fully optimized to improve the conversion rate and get low resistance. Design procedure is introduced in this paper, describing the modal analysis and CFD. It is found that the pressure loss in the area of connecting pipe needs to improve. According to the analysis to reMize the smoothness in the inlet area, to enlarge the diameter of pipe and to change the shapes of expansion pipe and contraction pipe which are located in the rear of catalyst converter. The uniformity of the catalyst converter is significantly improved after the catalyst converter is optimized. The baekpressure was reduced 6 kPa, providing the valuable conference lot the funther eatalysl converter design and optimization.
Automotive Engineer