
百色壮族中老年人肌肉量及骨密度含量变化及相关性分析 被引量:2

Characteristics of muscle mass and the correlation with bone density in senior and old-aged Zhuang people in Baise
摘要 目的:研究百色市壮族中老年人群身体各部分肌肉质量、骨密度的含量和变化以及随年龄变化的规律,并探讨肌肉量、骨密度含量变化的相关性,为改善少数民族地区老龄人口健康状况提供科学依据.方法:随机抽取620名(男性248名,女性372名)百色壮族健康中老年人作为研究对象.检测受试者的全身肌肉量、躯干肌肉量、左上肢、右上肢、左下肢、右下肢肌肉量、右足跟骨密度.运用SPSS 17.0软件进行统计学处理.结果:百色壮族中老年肌肉量和骨密度均随着年龄的增长逐渐降低,不同性别间的肌肉量各指标和骨密度差异明显,男性的肌肉量各指标和骨密度均高于女性.男性肌肉量的减少幅度大于女性,而女性骨密度减少的幅度大于男性.男、女性的骨密度与肌肉量各指标均显著相关.结论:百色壮族中老年肌肉量和骨密度随年龄的增长逐渐降低,且两者密切相关. Objective: To explore th of senior and middlea-aged Zhuang Methods: With informed consent, e characteristics of the body muscle mass, the bone density and their variability with age people in Baise, and to discurs the correlation between muscle mass and bone density. 620 ( 248 males, 372 females) healthy middle-aged Zhuang individuals were selected randomly. We detected their bone density and all subjects with the body composition analyzer, including the total muscle mass, trunk muscle mass and limbs (left upper limb, right upper limb, left lower limb, right lower limb) muscle mass. All the results were processed by SPSS 17. 0 for descriptive analysis, independent sample t-test and variance analysis. Results: The indexes of muscle mass and bone density of senior and middle-aged Zhuang people in Baise decreased with age. The differences were significant among all age groups in all muscle indicators and bone density. The muscle indicators and bone densities of males were more than those of females. The reduction of muscle mass in males was larger than that in females, but the decline of bone density in females was sharper than that in males. All index of muscle mass were significantly correlated with bone density both in males and females. Conclusion: The muscle mass and bone density declined with age in Baise senior and middle-aged Zhuang people, and the muscle mass was positively correlated with the bone density.
出处 《解剖学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期68-71,共4页 Chinese Journal of Anatomy
基金 国家自然科学基金(81260071) 广西自然科学基金(2012GXNSFAA053171) 广西自然科学基金(2013GXNSFBA019202)
关键词 肌肉量 骨密度 百色 中老年 muscle mass bone density Baise senior and old-aged Zhuang nationality
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