目的:了解目前青少年颌骨囊性病变的构成现状,为临床诊疗提供帮助。方法 :回顾性分析2003-01—2013-12间,于我科住院治疗的362例青少年颌骨囊性病变的临床资料,对其分类、性别、年龄、发病部位、治疗方法进行分析。结果:362例中成釉细胞瘤109例,牙源性角化囊性瘤107例,含牙囊肿48例,根尖囊肿24例,其他74例。平均年龄14.93岁,男女比例1.63∶1。下颌骨受累226例,上颌骨受累140例,26例患者上下颌骨同时受累,22例患者影像资料缺失,左右颌骨发病率基本相同,颌骨任一部位均可发生囊性病变,但下颌磨牙及下颌升支区为最易受累部位。结论:青少年颌骨囊性病变好发于下颌骨,男性发病率较女性高,其治疗及预后与成年人有差异,临床诊治中应注意其相应变化。
Objective: To investigate the current status of jaw cystic lesions in the adolescent patients. Methods: Retro- spective analysis of 362 cases of adolescents jaw cystic lesions treated in our department from January 2003 to Decem- ber 2013. Clinical data included cyst classification, gender, patients' age, location of the cyst, and therapeutic measures. Results: In the 362 cases, ameloblastoma 109 cases, odontogenic keratocysts 107 cases, dentigerous cysts 48 cases, radicular cysts 24 cases, and 74 other jaw cysts. Age of patients ranged from 10 to 19 years old, with a mean of 14.93 years. The distribution between males and females were about 62.15% (225/362) males to 37.85% (137/362) females (1.64: 1). 226 cases (62.43%) located in the mandible, 140 cases(38.67%) located in the maxilla. In 26 cases whose cysts located in both mandible and maxilla. In 22 cases, whose X-ray radiographs were lost. The morbidity of jaw cystic lesions is the same in both side of the jaw. The most prevalent locations of adolescent jaw cysts were the mandibular molar area and ra- mus. Conclusion: Jaw cystic lesions in adolescent patients mainly occur in the mandible. Men are more vulnerable than women. In addition, therapy and prognosis of jaw cystic lesion differs between adolescents and adults. The differences should be taken into account in daily clinical works.
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
jaw cystic lesions
clinicopathological analysis