以森林景观为研究对象、小流域为研究单元、二类调查资料为基础数据 ,在地理信息系统软件ARC/INFO ,ARCVIEW及数据库管理系统VisualFoxpro 6.0支持下 ,选取斑块周长、面积、形状指数、分数维、景观多样性、景观破碎度、人工干扰指数等 9个分析指标 ,对小流域森林景观数量结构、形状结构、破碎化程度、景观多样性等进行分析评价 ,并在GIS平台下 。
Based on the data of the forest inventory and the software of ARCVIEW,ARC/INFO and Visual Foxpro6.0,forest landscape pattern in the watershed of Jiuxihe in the upper reaches of the Pearl River was analyzed by using nine indexes,which are patch quantity indes,shape coefficient,fractal dimension,landscape diversity index,landscape fragmentation index,human disturbance index and so on.The quantity structure,shape structure,fragmental statue,landscape diversity,etc.were discussed,and a digital forest landscape view was created and showed on GIS.
Journal of Southwest Forestry College
云南省自然科学基金资助项目 (96C0 68Q)