在分析园林、植物、文化三者关系以及云南主要少数民族植物文化形成根源的基础上 ,通过对几个主要少数民族在意识形态方面应用植物的初步调查 ,对少数民族的园林植物特色作了归纳总结 ,进而阐述了研究开发少数民族园林植物及文化在园林景观设计、旅游资源开发。
Formation of the phytoculture of the main ethnic minorities in Yunnan and the relationship among landscape, plant and culture were analyzed. Based on the investigation on the plant application in the ideologicalogy,the characteristics of ornamental plants of ethnic minorities were summed up. The application of ornamental plants and culture of the ethnic minorities was considered to be of practical significance in landscape design, tourist resource exploitation,ecological environment protection and in biodiversity conservation.
Journal of Southwest Forestry College
云南省自然科学基金资助项目 (1999C0 0 16Q)