
社会学视域下老年体育参与影响因素研究 被引量:34

A Sociological Study on Influencing Factors for the Participation of the Elderly Population in Sports
摘要 从社会学视角,研究人口因素(年龄、性别、社会经济地位)、社会文化因素(家庭成员、同龄人,社会体育工作者)对老年体育参与的影响效应,旨在为我国老龄公共体育事业的发展提供理论参考。方法:随机选取62-75岁之间的老年人350名,将基于心理测量学角度所建立的Baecke身体活动调查问卷(BPAQ)作为体育参与的评价工具,对他们及他们的孙子/孙女、同龄人、社区体育工作者等进行问卷调查,采用多元Logistic回归模型对数据进行统计分析。结果发现:1)老年体育参与和年龄不相关,而与性别相关;2)社会经济地位高和中等的老年人参与体育更多;3)奶奶/外婆在孙女参与体育时的体育参与度更高;而爷爷/外公的体育参与度则不受孙女是否参与体育运动的影响;爷爷/外公在孙子参与体育时的体育参与度更高,而奶奶/外婆的体育参与度则不受孙子是否参与体育运动的影响;4)老年女性总体上较男性更易参与体育运动,但当孙子参与体育时,老年女性和男性参与体育活动的几率相似;5)同龄人对老年人体育参与有积极影响;6)社会体育工作者对老年体育参与的促进作用没有得到充分体现,建议完善社会体育指导员的培养制度、加强对社会体育指导员的培养力度和管理。 This study mainly examined, from the sociological perspective, the associations of demographic [ age, gen- der and socio-economic status ] and socio-cuhural factors [ family members, peers and social physical educators ] with the participation of the elderly population in sports, with a view to providing valuable information for the development of senior sports in China. Using the Baecke Physical Activity Questionnaire, a survey was conducted on 350 people aged 62 ~ 75 and their grandchildren, peers, and social physical educators. Then all the data were statistically analyzed by means of multivariate logistic regression analysis. The following results were reached. 1 ) Participation of the elderly people in sports was related to gender but not to age. 2 ) Those with high or medium socio-economic statu- ses were more likely to participate in sports. 3 ) While participation in sport was more likely among grandmas whose granddaughters took part in sports, the grandpas' participation was not affected. Instead, they often had higher sports participation when their grandsons took part in sports, whereas the grandmas' participation was not affected. 4 ) The elderly females were generally more likely to participate in sports than males, but when their grandsons took part in sports, the elderly males and females were equally likely to do so. 5 ) Peers had a positive influence on the elderly people's participation in sports. 6) The positive role of social physical educators in promoting the elderly population's participation in sports had not been fully fulfilled. We suggest that the training system of social sports instructors be improved and that the cultivation and management of social sports instructors be enhanced.
出处 《南京体育学院学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2015年第1期57-63,共7页 Journal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(编号:13YJA890035)
关键词 社会学 老年人 体育参与 社会体育工作者 影响因素 相关性 sociology the elderly sports participation social physical educators influencing factors correlation
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