
新自由主义与发展型国家的衰落 被引量:1

Neoliberalism and the Decline of the Developmental State
摘要 在"东亚经济奇迹"中扮演了极为重要角色的发展型国家在20世纪90年代日趋衰落。对于发展型国家衰落的主流解释坚持乏味的内因论,把发展型国家衰落的原因主要归结为其自身的制度缺陷。但是,这种解释仅仅是出于"国家失败论"的市场原教旨主义教条,而并未提供令人信服的证据。发展型国家衰落的根本原因来自于外部强制性力量而并非其制度本身,美国新自由主义政策的推行从多个方面直接削弱了东亚经济体的国家能力,导致了东亚发展型国家的最终衰落。对于中国而言,需要反思和警惕美国新自由主义政策的影响,抵御外部力量对我国国家能力的削弱,不断增强和改善国家能力,保证经济社会持续稳定发展。 Developmental states which played a very important role in the 'East Asian Economic Miracle' have experienced decline in 1990 s. The mainstream endopathic theory insisted that the main cause of the decline is its own institutional defects. However, without convincing evidence, the endopathic theory is only grounded on the market fundamentalist doctrine,which believes State Failure Theory. In fact, the decline of those developmental states is rooted from the external force instead of its own institutional defects. It is the implementation of American Neo-liberalism policies which have directly weakened East-Asian economies 'state capabilities in a variety ways and led to the decline of those countries. For China, it is important to be cautious and alert to the American Neo-liberalism effects, and we should actively resist the external force, strengthen and improve state capability increasingly, to ensure the stable development.
作者 张晨 王娜
出处 《河北经贸大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期13-17,共5页 Journal of Hebei University of Economics and Business
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"国际金融危机后资本主义的历史走向与我国的应对方略研究"(12&ZD091)阶段性成果
关键词 发展型国家 新自由主义 国家失败论 东亚金融危机 市场原教旨主义 国家能力 精英官僚体系 developmental state neo-liberalism state failure theory East Asian economy crisis market fundamentalist doctrine state capabilit
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