

A Case Study of the Visualization of Intelligent Transportation System of Academic Sector in Taiwan
摘要 随着科技日新月异,除全球智慧运输(intelligent transportation system,ITS)的发展趋势成蓬勃发展外,近年来对于大量数据下所隐藏的信息亦是越趋重视,因此,对于何种数据透过何种方式的呈现与其经挖掘后而呈现之意义,则为一大研究重点。对于ITS系统下九大领域间,透过知识图谱之方式,建构各领域之关联,以文献与作者上的聚焦探讨其彼此之发展历程、现况、趋势,再者深入于共同作者、关键词、参考文献、技术层面,挖掘各领域于主题上之演变、热门研究议题、前瞻研究领域,主要目的为于ITS系统各领域上进行整体的趋势观测与挖掘其前瞻研究及其核心价值所在,然后透过各院校的产出,可发现台湾于20世纪后ITS论文产出量有明显的上升趋势,代表着ITS的研究已逐渐朝一成熟稳健阶段迈进,综观台湾各大专院校于ITS所投入之研究产出量,以台湾交通大学233篇之产出为首,而各大专院校于ITS所投入之研究领域,则以先进交通管理服务(advanced traffic management services,ATMS)为主,对此,透过台湾投入经费于ITS研究之年期是可相互呼应的,而如何进一步将台湾各大专院校所投入之ITS研究进行其演进历程、分布特性以及群聚知识群等样貌进行挖掘,对于洞察及发现未来发展面向是一重要的关键所在。 With the rapid progress of technology,not only the progress of Intelligent Transportation System is full of vitality,but the hidden information of big data is getting important.Therefore,the meaning of what data and how they are presented become hot issues.For the Nine Areas in ITS,mapping knowledge domain through construction of the connection in each area,through the literature and the authors′discussion focused to investigate the development process,status and trend,and more deeper in the co-authors,key words,reference and the technology level,for mining the change in each area,hot study topic,prospective research areas,the main goal is to observe the tendency in ITS and mining prospective research areas and find core values.It is found out that most of the ITS knowledge outputs focus on ATMS and Chiao Tung university performs the best in Taiwan.
出处 《交通信息与安全》 2015年第1期133-136,共4页 Journal of Transport Information and Safety
关键词 可视化 智慧运输系统 知识图谱 先进交通管理服务 visualization intelligent transportation systems mapping knowledge domain ATMS
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