120 Bill 38, Securities Act, 5th Sess., 37th Parl., British Columbia, 2004 (assented to 13 May 2004), s. 203, [Bill 38].
2British Columbia Securities Commission ( "BCSC" )网站相关内容 : British Columbia Securities Commission, New Proposals for Securities Regulation (British Columbia: A New Way to Regulate, 2002), 网址: http://www.llbc. leg.bc.ca/public/PubDocs/bcdocs/353958/bcsc proposals2002 report. pdf.
3Bill 38, 5th Sess., 37th Parl., Nos. 72, 73 (assented to 13 May 2004),网址:http://www.leg.bc.ca/37th5th/votes/v040513.htm.
4Ontario Commodity Futures Act Advisory Committee, Final Report (Ontario: Ministry of Government Services, 2007) at 17, 网址 : http://www.gov.on.ca/mgs/graphics/121810.pdf.
7Cristie L. Ford: " New Governance, Compliance and Principles-Based Securities Regulation" , American Business Law Journal, Volume 45, Issue 1, 1-60, Spring 2008.
8Randall Morck & Bernard Yeung, "Some Obstacles to Good Corporate Governance in Canada and How to Overcome Them" (2006), Final Report: Canada Steps Up, vol. 4, at 279-348, TFMSL 相关网页 http : / / www.tfmsl.ca/ docs/Volume4_en.pdf.
9Cristie Ford: " Principles-Based Securities Regulation" , A Research Study Prepared for the Expert Panel on Securities Regulation, June, 2009, 网址: http://www.expertpanel.ca.
10Cristie Ford: "Principles-Based Securities Regulation" , A Research Study Prepared for the Expert Panel on Securities Regulation, June, 2009, 网址: http://www.expertpanel.ca.