
融合教育情境中3~6岁维吾尔族儿童汉语词汇发展研究 被引量:1

A Study on Chinese Lexicon Development of 3~6 Uyghur Children in Confluent Education
摘要 通过质和量两种方式搜集3~6岁维吾尔族儿童与教师互动的汉语语料,采用“国际儿童语言语料交流系统”模式转录并用国际儿童语言计算机分析系统分析融合教育情境中3~6岁维吾尔族儿童汉语词汇的发展。研究发现,维吾尔族儿童早期汉语词汇具有明显的年龄增长趋势,呈现与汉族儿童早期汉语词汇发展相似的路径;维吾尔族儿童早期汉语词汇的发展是不均衡;同时,维吾尔族儿童汉语词汇发展与教师的言语输出存在着较为密切的关系。 In order to explore the development of Chinese lexicon of Uyghur children aged from 3 to 6 in confluent ed-ucation,the study collected,through both qualitative and quantified study,their linguistic data as they interact with their teachers,and transcribed the data by CHILDES and CLAN system for analysis.The results revealed that the Uyghur children’s rapid development of early Chinese lexicon showed an obvious trend of rising with the age,and was in quite the similar way with that of the Han children.The Uyghur children’s development of early Chinese lex-icon was imbalanced and had a close relationship with their teachers’language output at the same time.
作者 辛宏伟
出处 《苏州科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第2期90-97,共8页 Journal of University of Science and Technology of Suzhou:Social Science
基金 2011年教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大研究项目"新疆学前儿童汉语读写能力萌发与早期汉字习得"(11JJD740024) 2014年苏州科技学院师资培养资助项目(331412001)
关键词 维吾尔族儿童 第二语言 汉语 词汇 国际儿童语言语料交流系统 Uyghur children second languag e Chinese lexicon CHILDES
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