基于EBPSK(Extended binary phase shift keying)调制雷达通信机可输出高精度大量程的雷达测距值。同时利用EBPSK调制脉冲数据帧串信号和冲击滤波辅助解调的特殊优势进行高频谱利用率的数字通信。研究针对EBPSK调制脉冲数据帧串信号的特点,根据cooper给出的随机信号平均模糊函数的基本定义,详细推导了该信号的平均模糊函数,并通过实验仿真了平均模糊函数图。结论表明,随机EBPSK调制脉冲数据帧串雷达信号与随机二相码脉冲雷达信号的距离模糊函数类似,即在距离轴上无模糊,而其速度模糊函数则由随机EBPSK调制数据和周期的相参脉冲串共同决定,即在速度轴上呈"梳状"模糊图,其模糊瓣取决于周期脉冲串。
On the basis of EBPSK (Extended binary phase shift keying) radar-communication system would output a radar measurement with both high-precision and wide-range. The system can also be used as spectra efficient digital communication system by utilizing the superiority of EBPSK modulator and the impacting filter aided demodulator. In this paper, according to the definitions for ambiguity function that originally produced by Cooper, the average ambiguity function of EBPSK based on radar pulse signal is deduced. In addition to theoretical considerations, computer simulations are provided for ambiguity func- tion. Results indicate that ambiguity function of PR (pseudorandom) modulation radar pulse signal is similar to PR binary phase-coded radar pulse signal. The unambiguous distance of the proposed signal is limited by the number of data frames. The velocity ambiguity function is influenced by EBPSK modulated date frame and pulse train.
Journal of China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology