
我国老年护理发展现状与护理人员老年护理从业意愿研究进展 被引量:53

Current Situation of Geriatric Nursing in China and Research Progress of Geriatric Nursing Employment Willingness Among Nursing Personnel
摘要 老年护理工作水平直接影响老年人口的健康幸福,而我国医疗保健供给和老年护理服务需求之间存在较大差距,护理人员若能积极投身我国老年护理行业,对于养老护理行业有序健康地发展具有关键性的推进作用。本文综述我国老年护理发展现状、从业意愿的基本概念、国内外护理人员老年护理从业意愿研究现状及趋势、测评、局限及展望,旨在为今后进一步确立并引导符合国情的老年护理人员职业发展方向提供参考。 The level of geriatric nursing directly affect the well - being and health of elderly population,while there is a big gap between health care supply and demand of geriatric nursing service in China. If nursing staff can be actively engaged in geriatric nursing cause,the orderly and healthy development of the old - age care industry could be promoted obviously. This paper reviews the current situation of geriatric nursing and geriatric nursing employment willingness among nursing personnel from aspect of concept,evaluation methods,research trends,and related factors of geriatric nursing employment willingness among nursing personnel at domestic and abroad,and discusses the influence of employment willingness on quality of care. This review aims to provide references for the establishment of elderly nursing staff career development direction which is adapts to the Chinese national conditions.
出处 《中国全科医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第15期1791-1796,共6页 Chinese General Practice
基金 宁波卫生职业技术学院校级科研立项项目(2014Y02)
关键词 老年护理学 发展现状 从业意愿 护理人员 Geriatric nursing Current situation Employment willingness Nursing staff
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