
我国水泥工业废气量减排与污染物减排潜力分析 被引量:3

Analysis of Waste Gas Volume and Pollutants Reduction Potential for Cement Industry in China
摘要 水泥工业是颗粒物等大气污染物排放量较大的行业,因排放标准中颗粒物等污染物浓度限值已非常严格,依靠加严标准减排污染物的空间已经越来越小,标准减排难以使水泥工业实现更高的减排目标。水泥生产多个工序会排放废气,在排放标准限值不变的条件下,各类废气的排放总量决定了颗粒物等污染物的排放总量。通过实例分析得出利用窑头余风再循环、减少窑头喂煤一次风比例和分解炉喂煤风机的风量可实现高温废气量的减排,利用窑头窑尾低温废热进行烘干物料可实现低温烘干废气量的减排,将常温废气作为水泥窑窑头和分解炉煤粉的助燃空气可实现常温废气量的减排,进一步分析了通过废气量减排可实现颗粒物等污染物的减排量。 Cement industry yields a large air pollution emission including particulate matters.As the particulate concentration limits in the industrial emission standard has been very strict, it leaves smaller and smaller space to further reduce the pollutant emission by setting stricter standard limits.Therefore, the emission reduction by standard has been difficult to make cement industry to achieve a higher reduction target.There are several processes in cement production that emit waste gases.Under the same emission standard limits, the total emissions of various pollutants will be determined by the total waste gas volumes of various kinds.Through case studies, it was shown that the kiln end afterwinds could be recycled to reduce the primary air ratio in kiln end coal feeding and the coal-feeding fan air volume in calcining combustors, so as to realize reduction of high-temperature waste gas volume. The cement kiln end low-temperature waste heat could be used to dry materials and thus realize reduction of waste gas volume in low-temperature drying.The room-temperature exhaust gas could be used as pulverized coal combustion air in cement kiln ends and calcining combustors and thus realize reduction of the room-temperature waste gas volume.The reduction amount of pollutants including particulates through waste gas volume reduction was further analyzed.This research could provide a new way of thinking for cement industry to carry out advanced pollutant emission reduction.
出处 《环境工程技术学报》 CAS 2015年第3期241-246,共6页 Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology
基金 国家科技基础性工作专项(2014FY110900) 国家环境保护公益性行业科研专项(201309018)
关键词 水泥工业 废气量 颗粒物 减排 cement industry waste gas volume particulate matter emission reduction
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