
Ad Hoc网络支持QoS保障的多信道MAC协议

Multi-channel MAC Protocol With QoS Guarantee for Ad Hoc Networks
摘要 提出一种基于多信道的Qo S保障方案,结合业务区分和资源预留两种Qo S保障策略,保证优先级高的业务及时接入信道;并且建立节点发送链表,给数据通信预留一段时间,实现数据信道上连续的帧交换,有效地使用了数据信道资源。 A multi-channel protocol which provided QoS guarantee is presented. combined with the resources-reserved and service-differentiation, the protocal make sure that service of priority can access channel earlier. Link tables of the high-level data for sending are established by destination address, a period of time was reserved for data communication, to realize the continual frame exchange process on the data channel and make efifcient use of data channel.
出处 《无线互联科技》 2015年第6期51-53,共3页 Wireless Internet Technology
关键词 无线自组织网 服务质量 多信道 Ad hoc QoS Multi-channelpplications
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