目的回顾性分析广州市1 632 280例新生儿先天性甲状腺功能减低症(CH)筛查和召回结果,了解广州地区先天性甲状腺功能减低症的发病情况。方法对2000-2012年广州市新生儿疾病筛查中心CH的筛查和召回结果进行分析,以广州市新生儿筛查中心为中心建立广州市所有产科医院的筛查网络,以所有出生的新生儿为对象,在出生72 h,充分母乳后采集足跟血检测促甲状腺素(TSH)浓度。筛查结果阳性者急时召回,以血清标本复查确诊。结果2000-2012年共筛查新生儿1 632 280例,召回率为96.13%,共检出CH阳性715例,发病率为1∶2 283。全部阳性患者经早期诊断治疗,患儿的体格和智力等发育无明显异常。结论建立有效的筛查召回网络,加强基层培训和提高患者家属对疾病的认识能有效提高筛查率和召回率。新生儿疾病筛查是CH早期诊断治疗的有效措施之一。
Objective A retrospective analysis of 1 632 280 cases newborn congenital hypothyroidism screening and recall in Guangzhou.To summarize the recall experience of newborn disease screening and improve the availability of newborn disease screening service.Methods The result of newborn screening and recall for congenital hypothyroidism in Guangzhou between2000 and 2012 year was analyzed.The newborn disease screening network was established in all obstetric hospitals in Guangzhou,and the newborn were screened within 72 hours after birth for congenital hypothyroidism(CH) by measuring thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH) concentration on dried blood spots on filter paper cards.Newborns were recalled after screened positive and the diagnosis was by testing serum concentration.Results A total of 1 632 280 newborns were screened from 2000 to 2012 year and the recall rate was 96.13%.715 cases were confirmed positive for CH and the incidence rate was 1 ∶ 2 283.Through earlier diagnosis and treatment,there were no significant differences in physical and intellectual development among children with congenital hypothyroidism.Conclusion The availability of screening and recalling network were established and the cognition of doctors and parents were enhanced to improve screening and recalling rate.The results of this study confirm the benefit of early detection and treatment of CH through the newborn screening program.
Journal of Tropical Medicine