
缺乏的到底是思辨能力还是系统知识?——也谈外语专业学生的思辨问题 被引量:51

Is It Defi ciency in Reasoning Ability or in Systematicity of Knowledge?——On Issues Concerning the Reasoning Ability of the Foreign Language Majors
摘要 外语专业学生的"思辨缺乏症"是目前国内外语学界讨论的热点问题。不过,我发现大多数讨论混淆了思维、思辨、批判性思维等基本概念,对思辨与系统知识、语言能力与思维能力等诸多关系以及使用外语进行批判性思维与使用母语的区别注意不够。外语专业学生缺乏的不是思辨能力而是系统知识。唯有借助系统知识,思辨才可能深入。鼓励外语院系根据自身条件多样化地发展与外语有关的系统知识学科是根本出路。 The concern about the deficiency in reasoning ability on the part of the foreign language majors has become a very hot issue. I believe most of the discussions have confounded such basic concepts as thinking, reasoning, critical thinking, systematicity of knowledge, and they fail to take into account the difference between language ability and reasoning ability, and the difficulty in reasoning communicatively in a foreign language. I argue that the problem arises from deficiency in the systematicity of knowledge, and the solution lies in promoting systematic disciplinary training in the departments of foreign languages.
作者 曲卫国
机构地区 复旦大学
出处 《中国外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期60-66,共7页 Foreign Languages in China
关键词 思辨缺乏症 批判性思维 系统知识 技能 reasoning deficiency syndrome critical thinking systematic knowledge skill
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