
物理层安全中的最优中继选择及协同干扰策略 被引量:8

Cooperative Jamming with Optimal Relay Selection and Power Allocation for Physical Layer Security
摘要 本文提出了一种以协同干扰为基础,结合了最优中继选择和功率分配的物理层安全方案.该方案针对分布式天线的场景,从中间节点中选择一个最佳的节点作为中继,剩余的其他节点作为协同干扰节点.中继节点使用放大转发策略.本文同时提出了协同干扰节点的波束成形算法.另外,我们还推导出了中继节点和协同干扰节点之间的功率分配的闭式解.最后,本文还给出了相关的仿真结果,证实了新提出的方案比传统方案能获得更高的安全容量. In this paper, a scheme of cooperative jamming with optimal relay selection and power allocation is proposed. The proposed scheme selects one node from the intermediate nodes as relay and the rest nodes as friendly jammers. The relay operates in amplify-and-forward (AF) strategy.Jammer weights are derived to null the jamming signals at the destination and relay node and maximize the jamming signal at the eavesdropper. Furthermore, a closed-form optimal solution of power allocation between the selected relay and cooperative jammers is derived. Numerical simulation results show that the proposed scheme can outperform the conventional schemes at the same power consumption.
出处 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期791-794,共4页 Acta Electronica Sinica
关键词 物理层安全 中继选择 协同干扰 功率分配 physical layer security relay selection cooperative jamming power allocation
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