
临床思维及其动态特征 被引量:18

Clinical thinking and its dynamic characteristics
摘要 信息资源的快速增长和方便获取,并不会直接带来诊疗水平的提高,医生的临床思维能力仍然是医疗行为的核心环节,是保证医疗质量的关键。临床思维就是对疾病现象进行调查、分析、综合、判断、推理等一系列的思维活动,以认识疾病的本质。临床思维的培养必须在医疗实践中进行,具体内容包括:通过临床调查掌握病情资料;分析各项病情资料的诊断意义,分清主次;综合考虑病情资料,提出诊断假设;动态观察病情变化以验证或推翻诊断假设;判断因果关联;正确对待临床工作的不确定性。培养清晰、严谨、高效的思维方式,有助于青年医生更快、更好地成长。 The rapid growth and easy availability of information doesn't bring good medical service. Physicians' clinical thinking remain the cornerstone of medical quality.Clinical thinking includes a series of cognitive behaviors such as investigation, analysis, integration, judgment, and inference so as to unveil the essence of diseases.The thinking capability can be achieved by no means other than medical practice itself, which is comprised of collecting data relevant to the problem of interest, evaluating the value of diagnostic clues, formulating diagnostic hypotheses, obtaining more information to accept or exclude the diagnostic hypothesis, assessing causal relationship, dealing with the inherent uncertainties in medicine. To build a successful medical career, young physicians need to improve the ability to think clearly, rigorously, and efficiently.
作者 吴东
出处 《中华诊断学电子杂志》 2015年第2期12-19,共8页 Chinese Journal of Diagnostics(Electronic Edition)
基金 首都卫生发展科研专项(首发2011-4001-01) 北京高校青年英才计划项目
关键词 临床思维 诊断 治疗学 决策支持系统 临床 循证医学 Clinical thinking Diagnosis Therapeutics Decision support systems, clinical Evidence-based medicine
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