创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。从搭建生活与科技教育的桥梁、引导学生关注新技术的魅力、创建社团激发学生创造潜能、组织学生参加First LEGO League(FLL)机器人大赛、举办科技节点燃学生科技热情等5方面展开论述。指出应立足于生活实际,调动学生主动探索技术的积极性,挖掘学生创造潜能,在通用技术教学中循序渐进地培养学生的科技创新能力。
Innovation is the soul of a nation and an endless motive force for the growth and development of a country. This paper discusses how to develop technical innovation capacity of students from five aspects, including building a bridge between technology and life, guiding students to focus on new technology, establishing robot societies to stimulate their potential in inovation, organizing students into the robot competition of First LEGO League (FLL) and holding a festival of science to ignite their interests in technology. It points out that general technology classes must base on practical life to arouse students' enthusiasms into exploring technology and stimulate their potential in scientific creation and the ultimate aim is to develop students' technical innovation canacitv steo by step.
Tianjin Science & Technology
general technology
education of science and technology
innovation ability