
英美分级诊疗实践及对我国的启示 被引量:105

Practice of Classified Diagnosis and Treatment in U.K.and U.S.A.and Their Implications to China
摘要 科学有序的分级诊疗制度是提高医疗卫生服务效率、合理利用医疗卫生资源、节约医疗费用的重要途径。在综述英国、美国分级诊疗主要实践经验的基础上,分析其作用与意义。通过总结与分析我国分级诊疗实施中暴露的问题及国外的经验,提出构建新型分级诊疗医疗服务体系,改革全科医生培养及管理制度,建立分级诊疗的财政、医保等配套机制,制定适合国情的分级诊疗的标准和规范,完善公立医院分级诊疗的绩效考核机制,培养患者良好的医疗观和就医习惯等改革建议。 A scientific and orderly classified diagnosis and treatment system is a vital path to improve efficiency of medical service, rationally utilize medical care resources, and save medical care expenditures. This article summarized the of major method and practice of hierarchical diagnosis and treatment in U. K. and U. S. A. , and analyzed its effect and significance. Additionally, through the summary and analysis of problems exposed during the implement of hierarchical diagnosis and treatment in China and experience brought from overseas, the authors suggested to build a new medical service system for hierarchical diagnosis and treatment, reform the cultivation and management system of general practitioners, establish supportive financial and medical insurance mechanisms, formulate the sound standards and regulations, improve the performance assessment mechanism for public hospitals, and develop a positive sense of medical treatment and a proper medical-seeking custom among patients.
作者 张雪 杨柠溪
出处 《医学与哲学(A)》 北大核心 2015年第7期78-81,共4页 Medicine & Philosophy:Humanistic & Social Medicine Edition
关键词 分级诊疗 医疗资源 医疗服务体系 classified diagnosis and treatment, medical resources, medical service system
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