Freshw ater has beco m e a strateg ic reso urce,w hich has sev erely im pacted o n the dev elo pm ent o f the sustainable dev elo pm ent o f the w o rld in the future and the enhancem ent o f the peo ple liv ing standard o f o ur natio n. Fo rw ard o sm o sis em erg ed as o ne o f the em erg ing w ater purificatio n and desalinatio n techno lo g y,and it has attracted m uch attentio n. Fo rw ard o sm o sis m em branes as the co re o f the fo rw ard o sm o sis techno lo g y hav e sparked a new ro und o f research bo o m. T he recent dev elo pm ents in fo rw ard o sm o sis m em branes acco rding to the separatio n perfo rm ance are rev iew ed. T his paper fo cus co ncentratio n o n the m em brane preparatio n m etho ds,intro ducing the m em brane m aterials,the m em brane structure and the m em brane perfo rm ance in detail,m ainly including phase inv ersio n fo rw ard o sm o sis m em branes,thin film co m po site fo rw ard o sm o sis m em branes and chem ically m o dified m em branes. T he applicatio ns o f fo rw ard o sm o sis techno lo g y are intro duced briefly. Finally,brig ht pro spect as w ell as challeng es o n the fo rw ard o sm o sis m em branes deserv e to be further inv estig ated.
Progress in Chemistry
forw ard osmosis
membrane preparation method
membrane material
membrane performance