
景德镇早期窑业的探索——兰田窑发掘的主要收获 被引量:25

Exploration on the Early Ceramic Industry in Jingdezhen-The Main Harvest of the Excavation Lan Tian Kiln
摘要 本文依据景德镇浮梁县兰田窑窑址考古发掘资料,探讨了9~10世纪景德镇窑业的生产状况。首先介绍了兰田窑的基本情况和发掘的概况,并根据兰田窑大金坞窑址的发掘简报和万窑坞窑址初步整理的成果,探讨了景德镇早期窑业的三个问题。第一,根据万窑坞窑址发掘清理的五代早期窑炉遗迹,结合乐平南窑清理的晚唐时期龙窑,浮梁盈田凤凰山窑址清理的北宋早期窑炉,初步总结了景德镇地区早期龙窑从长变短,坡度从缓到陡,建筑方式从土筑到砖砌的变化趋势。第二,根据兰田窑发掘的地层,将景德镇地区9~10世纪的窑业分为5个发展阶段,并根据初步的整理结果对5个发展阶段的时代进行推断,总结了各期的基本面貌和特点。第三,万窑坞窑址地层出土资料显示,9~10世纪景德镇生产的主要瓷器品种青绿釉、青灰釉、白釉等各类器物,在所有地层中均同时出土,表明这三类器物的生产不存在早晚相继的关系,而是同时生产的不同质量和特点的器物。同时,从这三类产物的胎釉特征制作工艺、器物造型及装烧方法等观察,其分别受到了江西洪州窑、浙江越窑和北方地区白瓷生产技术的影响,也有少量长沙窑的工艺特征。 Based on the excavation of Lantian Kiln site, the paper discussed the situation of ceramics manufacture of Jingdazhen in 9th to lOth century. It introduced the environment of Lantian Kiln site and overview of the excavation on the kiln. According to the excavation report of Dajinwu kiln site and preliminary research result of Wanyaowu kiln site, it discussed three issues of early ceramic manufacture in Jingdezhen. as following. First, according to the kiln furnace of early Five dynasties excavated in Wanyaowu kiln site, cornpared with the kiln furnace of late Tang dynasty found in Nanyao kiln site, Lepirtg county, Jingdezhen, kiln furnace of early northern Song dynasty found in Fenghuangshan kiln site of Yingtian village, Fulirmg county, it concluded the change of dragon kiln furnaces in early time of Jingdezhen area. They changed from long to short, the slope from slow to steep, and from mud-made to brick-made. Second, it divided ceramic manufacture in Jingdezhen in 9^th to 10^th century into five stages based on the Stratigraphy of Lantian kiln site. According to the preliminary research results of the five stages, it summarized the basic features and characteristics of each stage and the date. Third, green, green-gray, and white glaze ceramic were the three main kind of products of Jingdezhen in 9^th to 10^th century. They were all discovered together in every Stratigraphy in Wcuzyaowu Kiln site. It refers to that they didn't have the relationship of sequence. They were with different quality and feature's products at the same time. Observing from theirs characteristics of clay body and glazes, producing technoledge, shapes, and the method of charging kiln, they were affected by the production techniques from Hongzhou kiln of Jiangxi province, Yue kiln of Zhejicutg province, and white ware of northern China. Few characteristics are affected by Changsha ware produced of Hunan province.
出处 《南方文物》 北大核心 2015年第2期128-137,共10页 Cultural Relics in Southern China
关键词 景德镇早期窑业 兰田窑遗址 考古发掘 龙窑遗迹 工艺影响 early ceramic manufacture in Jingdezhen, Lanticm. kiln site, archaeological discovery, dragon kiln traces, techniques influence
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