目的了解上海市政府实事舒缓疗护(临终关怀)项目试点机构从业人员对临终关怀的认知和态度,为社区临终关怀政策的制定提供参考依据。方法采用分层随机抽样方法 ,选取上海市临终关怀试点机构18家社区卫生服务中心的从业人员503人为调查对象。采用自行编制的调查问卷,于2014年3月进行问卷调查。调查内容包括:从业人员的一般情况、对临终关怀与安乐死的认知态度、对死亡观念的态度、对临终关怀的伦理态度等。结果 503名从业人员中,92.0%认为临终关怀与安乐死既有区别也有联系;72.4%能接受"我的死亡我做主"的死亡观点;当临终患者病情变化时,81.1%首选告知患者直系亲属;56.1%的从业人员认为临终患者终末期的医疗措施自主权应由直系亲属决定;50.1%选择愿意从事临终关怀服务;91.8%认为社区卫生服务中心提供的服务是临终关怀服务的最佳模式。不同年龄、学历、职称、工作岗位、科室、地域的从业人员对临终关怀的认知和态度上,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论大多数从业人员对临终关怀服务有正确的认知,支持临终关怀工作,但从事临终关怀服务的意愿有待加强。应加强对临终关怀的政策支持和财政投入,积极正确引导从业人员,使医护人员对临终关怀事业有科学的认识。
Objective To investigate the cognition of and attitude towards hospice care of medical staff in community hospice care pilot settings in Shanghai .Methods Using stratified random sampling method , we selected 503 health workers from 18 community health service centers.In March 2014, we conducted self-designed questionnaire survey .Survey content included general information , cognition of and attitude towards hospice care and euthanasia , attitude towards death and ethic attitude towards hospice care.Results Of the 503 subjects, 92.0% believed that there were both differences and connection between hospice care and euthanasia , 72.4% accepted the concept that &quot;I decide when and how to die&quot;, 81.1% thought immediate families of patients should be informed first when illness worsens , 56.1% believed it is the immediate families of patients who&amp;nbsp;have the right to choose medical treatment measures in the terminal stage of patients , 50.1%were willing to engage in hospice care service , 91.8%thought service provided by community health service centers is in optimal mode .Significant differences ( P〈0.05) were noted in the cognition of and attitude towards hospice care among health workers with different ages , educational levels, professional titles, duty posts, departments and regions.Gonclusion Most medical staff hold correct cognition of hospice care service and are being supportive for hospice care service , while the willingness to engage in hospice care service needs to be promoted .Policy support and financial investment should be improved in hospice care , relevant medical staff should be given positive and correct guidance in order to form their scientific understanding of hospice care .
Chinese General Practice